We help them to win!

We do this through material and spiritual aid, with the aim of significantly improving the soldiers' performance in the field and increasing our national resilience 100%

of love and giving to the IDF soldiers

ביט: 0505885990 | zelle 5628883770

Fight for a full stomach

100% of the donations of hot dishes, nutritious meals, snacks and drinks are channeled to aid in the fighting. We load the truck and reach the soldiers, wherever they are.

Going into battle with spiritual protection

We distribute spiritual protection kits to each soldier: tassels, tefillin, psalms, mezuzahs for bases and special kits for Israeli holidays. Much more important than KPA!

Raising the morale of the whole company

You know how it is, even in gray and difficult times, sometimes one small gift from the heart is all that is needed to continue fighting for the house, with more motivation and strength.

Valuable equipment and clothing

The donations are collected for the purchase of valuable equipment for our soldiers. Among the items we can purchase on your behalf: headlamps, sleeping bags, thermal clothing, tents, outdoor showers and even raincoats.

Our work enters the battlefield with the soldiers! and protects them, physically and spiritually

The IDF is the first and last line of defense for the State of Israel.
Our brave soldiers fight with dedication every day to protect our security, freedom and important values.
However, as we know, the resources available to them are limited.
Your donation can help provide them with advanced equipment, adequate service conditions and spiritual protection,
May they be enabled to fulfill their sacred mission with full efficiency and dedication.

Your contribution will directly affect the security of the State of Israel and thus you will have the privilege of being a partner in the defense of our people.
In our role as an association to help soldiers, we work together with a crowd of Jewish supporters and donors, who with genius and a sense of responsibility for the State of Israel are interested in giving the maximum for their benefit.

Our goal is to provide a physical and spiritual envelope for the soldiers of the IDF and to ensure that they will be able to deal with the challenges of security and combat in the field in the best possible way.

by the generosity of your hearts,
You too can be a part of the victory story of the people of Israel.

Every donation that comes to us changes the equation and improves the military's strategic ability to protect the people of Israel

Menachem and Shlomtzion Mark
The directors of the association

Donation for spiritual protection

The donations are channeled for the distribution of spiritual protection kits for each soldier: tassels, tefillin, psalms, mezuzahs for the bases and special kits for the holidays. Much more important than KPA!

ביט: 0505885990 | zelle 5628883770

Donation for tactical equipment and warm clothing

Your generous donation will provide our soldiers with valuable equipment that will serve them on the battlefield. Among the items that we can donate on your behalf: headlamps, sleeping bags, thermal clothing, tents and even chapattis.

ביט: 0505885990 | zelle 5628883770

Contribution to events and shows

We collect donations for the purpose of organizing and producing events and shows in order to raise the morale of the fighters and provide them with a refreshing respite.

ביט: 0505885990 | zelle 5628883770

Donation for fresh and healthy food

The army marches on its stomach is no longer a cliché. The rations we distribute allow the army to continue fighting, and improve the resilience of the soldiers in the long term.

ביט: 0505885990 | zelle 5628883770

Putting soul into fighting

Emergency Mitzvah Truck

The donation is routed directly to the soldiers

We promise not to take a shekel home. Every donation you give from a large and loving heart, goes directly to a soldier on the battlefield, warming his body and soul.

We also reach dangerous places

We don't only reach the regulated and popular bases. Yesterday we were in Hermon, and yesterday we drove on the Hvara road to reach the soldiers who are there.

Preparing for the Israeli holidays

During the holidays of Israel, all of us as a nation celebrate together and put aside our differences and conflicts. We will also equip the soldiers with everything necessary for a happy holiday: menorahs for lighting the candles, delivery of portions on Purim and reserved matzah for Passover.

that they will lack nothing

An integral part of our mission is to take care of the amounts of love and care for the soldiers. It is important for us to convey the message "we are behind you" - in the smallest details, from purchasing a new helmet to a bouquet of flowers for the warrior's wife.

Helping the IDF to win

Every donation that comes to us Changes the equation and improves the military's strategic ability to protect the residents of Israel

ביט: 0505885990 | zelle 5628883770

The people behind the action

We are Menachem and Shlomzion Mark, happily married and messengers of the Rebbe in our souls. Until recently, we lived in California, and ran a successful brick-and-mortar business. On October 7, we realized that we had to go on another mission, to mobilize for the benefit of our people and our homeland.
With the Rebbe’s encouragement, we chose to go from army to army – to provide for all the needs of our dear soldiers during the war. We called the Emergency Mitzva Truck project, when our mission is to stand up for the soldiers, wherever they need us.

Helping the IDF to win